The player ends the turn by discarding one card of choice onto the Discard Pile or adding it to their Save Pile. In turn, a player draws a card-either the top card from the Draw Pile or the top card from the Discard Pile or one of their cards from the Save Pile-and adds it to the player's hand. Once all players have placed a Phase Card in their Active Pile, play begins. Play begins with the player to the left of the dealer playing first Play continues in a clockwise direction, in turn each player examines their hand and Phase Cards and determines which phase he/she will attempt by placing the appropriate Phase Card in the Active Pile in the Play Area. The top card of the draw pile is turned over and placed face-up next to the draw pile, to become the discard pile. The remaining deck is placed face down in the center of the play area, to become the draw pile. Players hold their cards in hand, so that the other players cannot see them. One player is chosen to be the dealer, who shuffles the deck and deals each player a hand of ten cards.